For business owners, Facebook can be a blessing and a curse. It’s an easy way to tap into an audience of potential customers in your local area, and best of all, it’s free! (Mostly free, paid advertising is another story.) Unfortunately, it’s not enough to just create your Business Page; you need to stay active. Keeping a steady flow of Facebook posts takes both time and creativity, a daunting task that leads business owners to let their Business Page collect dust on the digital shelf. By using this Quick Guide to Creating Content, you will reach a wider audience, have the potential to generate more revenue, and (say what?) have fun doing it, too!

  1. Give it a personal touch.
    The key to Social Media is being social. Share photos of the team so that your customers can get to know your business on a more intimate level. Create a post for birthdays, anniversaries, and other milestones your company may be celebrating. A glimpse of your company culture gives your business personality and a brand identity. A welcoming environment online will make your physical location more approachable to potential customers. This will also build a sense of community that will translate to a positive customer experience when they walk through those doors.
  1. Encourage engagement.
    The more “Likes” and “Shares” you get for a post, the wider the audience your post will reach. Shareable content can come in the form of an inspiring quote, or a funny image related to your industry (just be sure to keep it clean, to avoid any unwanted negativity). Another way to increase engagement is to invite interaction with your post by setting up a contest. A popular example is to have your customer guess the number of jelly beans inside a jar to win a gift card. To enter the contest, have your Facebook Followers “Like” the post and write their guess in the comments section. Get creative, and remember, have fun!
  1. Participate in relevant events.
    This can include sporting events, holidays, or supporting causes that your company is passionate about. You don’t have to physically go to an event to participate, although that does make for great content. For example, to show support for a local sports team, share a photo of the team wearing the team colors. Share an appropriate image to commemorate holidays that may be important to your customers. If there is a cause your team members care about, let your audience know how they can contribute.  A recent trend in Social Media is to also participate in National Days, anything from National Donut Day to National Ninja Day. Keep an eye out for those events that are relevant to your industry and find a clever way to participate in the conversation.
  1. Spread the word.
    If a five-star review about your business pops up on business listings like Google Plus, don’t be shy to share it with your audience. Positive testimonials can help build your credibility. Use your social media site as a platform to highlight these reviews to get the word out. This will not only encourage potential customers to visit your business, but can also motivate existing customers to likewise share their own personal experience.
  1. Add educational value.
    While 80% of your content should be focused on engagement and entertainment, the remaining 20% should be used to inform and educate. Establish yourself as an expert in the industry by sharing relevant tips, infographics and how-to’s. Share an article your customers will find useful, and be sure to read it carefully before posting the link. Showcase a product or service offered at your business and list the ways your customer can benefit from them.

The key to winning on Social Media is to post regularly and to maintain a good mix of content. You will build relationships with new customers and stay connected with existing ones— cultivating the brand loyalty that will give you the edge over the competition.