Consumer Fusion Insights

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Managing your digital presence doesn’t have to be as complicated as it seems. Pair the Consumer Fusion with some of these insightful articles about happenings in the digital ecosphere, tips and tricks to get the most out of your digital efforts, and client stories to help paint the picture of holistic digital presence.

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Featured Articles

Actionable insights from the Consumer Fusion experts on how to build, protect, and optimize your digital presence efforts.

What To Do When Your Business Is Spammed With Negative Reviews

Consumer Fusion has built around protecting the reputation of businesses and nothing can feel as helpless as being spammed by negative reviews. This guide by our CEO Brynn Gibbs will show you how to react and recover!

How Do Negative Reviews Affect New Customers?

Online reviews have become more common, affecting businesses more than ever. Consumers are always looking for new places to spend their money. However, consumers are looking to spend their money on quality services and products.

Browse By Topic

Reputation Management

Why Local Reputation Management Matters for Your Business

Why Local Reputation Management Matters for Your Business

Local reputation management is crucial for businesses of all sizes. It involves monitoring and influencing the perception of your brand within your local community. This is important because consumers often rely on online reviews and recommendations from people in...

How to Use AI for Reputation Monitoring

How to Use AI for Reputation Monitoring

In today’s digital age, maintaining a positive online reputation is vital for business success. Ignoring this aspect is simply not an option. Fortunately, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool to streamline reputation management processes. In...

Google Business Profile Video Verification Best Practices

Google Business Profile Video Verification Best Practices

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any Brand's success. One of the key steps to establishing credibility and visibility on Google platforms is through Google Business Verification. This essential process confirms the legitimacy and...

Local SEO & Listing Management

How Reviews Impact Local Search

How Reviews Impact Local Search

Step into the realm of local search, where the digital landscape shapes the success of your business. In this engaging and informative guide, we'll navigate through the intricacies of local search, shedding light on the profound impact of reviews and unveiling...

Managing Local Listings: The Crucial Role During the Holidays

Managing Local Listings: The Crucial Role During the Holidays

As the holiday season approaches, businesses across the nation gear up for a surge in customer traffic. However, amidst the festivities and celebrations, it's easy to forget that managing your local listings can make or break your holiday sales. At Consumer Fusion, we...

Google Q&A: Your Ultimate Guide

Google Q&A: Your Ultimate Guide

Google Questions and Answers (Q&A) is a powerful tool that can help you engage with your customers, build trust, and enhance your online reputation. In this blog, we'll dive into what Google Q&A is, how to use it effectively, why it's important, and best...

Digital Marketing Tips & Guides

Why Customer Experience Outranks Price and Product

Why Customer Experience Outranks Price and Product

In today’s fast-paced, tech-driven world, businesses face the constant challenge of standing out in a crowded marketplace. Gone are the days when price and product quality were the only factors driving consumer decisions. Now, customer experience is the game-changer...

Mastering Google AI Search: Strategies for Ranking High

Mastering Google AI Search: Strategies for Ranking High

Welcome to the era of Google’s new AI-powered search, where algorithms are smart, and search results are more personalized than ever before. If you are here, you probably have heard the buzzwords around Generative AI and the way it is going to change not just the way...

Google Business Profile Video Verification Best Practices

Google Business Profile Video Verification Best Practices

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any Brand's success. One of the key steps to establishing credibility and visibility on Google platforms is through Google Business Verification. This essential process confirms the legitimacy and...

Social Media 

A Quick Guide to Creating Content for Your Facebook Business Page

A Quick Guide to Creating Content for Your Facebook Business Page

For business owners, Facebook can be a blessing and a curse. It’s an easy way to tap into an audience of potential customers in your local area, and best of all, it’s free! (Mostly free, paid advertising is another story.) Unfortunately, it’s not enough to just create...

Healthcare Reputation and Marketing 

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