Is your company keeping up with potential employees’ expectations online? Our survey findings highlight the impact of company reviews.  

You need to do a home repair, need a new cleaning service, or a mechanic and you do not have a go-to person or company. Likely, you jump online to find a company and then check out their reviews to make a final decision. While word of mouth used to be a top way to achieve new business, online reviews have become the new word of mouth, due to the past year of all connections being made online. Reviews are a way to know what others think about a business – and a deciding factor of whether you want to support it or not. 

If we do these review checks for a service we use just once or on a whim, wouldn’t you do the same for a new job you are exploring? 

Employers put potential employees on review when they conduct their interview processes. They want to make sure someone is a good fit for their organization. Now, potential employees are conducting their own pre-interviews, and the only company representative is online reviews. With millions of jobs available, individuals seeking new jobs are doing their due diligence and reading reviews on potential employers. As the labor shortage plagues businesses nationwide, it could have lasting effects causing some companies to ultimately fail.

While reviews have always been critical in a growing digital age, now reviews are front-and-center for businesses looking to recruit. Potential employees are looking to major job review sites such as Glassdoor, Indeed, Job Advisor, and Monster to check the reviews of companies when applying to jobs. Employers’ responses to employees on these sites are scrutinized more than ever. It is essential as a business to respond quickly, efficiently, and remedy negative reviews with understanding and growth. 

A recent survey conducted by Consumer Fusion showed that 44.60% of job seekers read four or more reviews before deciding to accept a job offer. More than 65% of those surveyed expressed that job boards influence where they want to apply.

Almost half (49.30%) of those surveyed stated that job reviews have a lot/great deal of impact when deciding upon accepting a job. That means that an unanswered negative job review could cause your company to lose a sought-after team member. With the changing dynamic of work from home, flex scheduling, and an increase in the minimum wage, employers need to be ahead of the curve and stay connected with former, current, and potential employees. 

If your company needs help maintaining its online reputation so you can attract the right employees, request a demo. We strive to keep reviews honest by providing business owners with the tools they need to take control of their online reputation. With our innovative software, creative thinking, and stellar customer service, there’s no doubt that we will be able to help you achieve your goals and improve your business on all digital platforms.