How are those New Year’s Resolutions coming? Statistically, by now, chances are not good. Research shows that only 8% of people actually stick to their goals. The problem most people have is setting the bar too high. There’s nothing wrong with being ambitious, but if your goals are unrealistic, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Fortunately, there’s no rule stating that your resolutions had to begin at the stroke of midnight New Year’s Day. It’s not too late to make this your year, so long as you set attainable goals that generate positive results. Here are 3 simple and doable resolutions that every business owner should follow to see success in 2018.

Resolution #1: Stay on top of my business listings. How your business information is listed on local directories can have a huge impact on how you rank organically on major search engines. While Google will always be king, smaller directories like CitySearch, Yellow Pages, and Super Pages still play a key role in shaping your overall online presence. Inconsistencies in your Business Name, Website URL, Address, Phone Number, and other pieces of information about your business can hurt your validity, and ultimately your local ranking. The same also applies to your social media sites. This year, make it a point to keep your business information consistent across the board.

Resolution #2: Find an easy way to get feedback from my customers. A Harvard study demonstrated that an increase of one star on review sites lead to a 5-9% increase in revenue. The trouble for business owners is finding a way to generate positive content, while keeping away the negative. An innovative way to achieve this is through Email and Text Feedback Surveys. With the click of a button, your satisfied customers can leave a review directly on Google, Facebook, and other sites while unsatisfied customers are directed to a customer survey that keeps the conversation offline. This year, find a solution, such as a Feedback Survey, to increase positive feedback to your online review sites.

Resolution #3: Get a handle of my online reviews. The third and final resolution to keep you on the right track to a solid online presence is to constantly monitor your ratings and reviews. While a Feedback Survey is a proven solution to significantly reduce the amount of negative content that can appear on your listings, bad reviews will still need to be addressed every now and then. By monitoring your reviews regularly, you will have the advantage of resolving the issue in a timely manner. This year, keep track of your reviews, and respond accordingly.

While there are still many other factors that can contribute to improving your business, these three easy and achievable resolutions will provide a solid foundation on which to build your online presence, solidify your reputation, and see increased revenue in 2018.